Sweet orange 500 ml Organic essential oil
Citrus sinensis
The orange tree is a tree native to China and India that was introduced to Europe by the crusaders. Its essential oil is obtained by cold pressing the zest of citrus fruits.
Technical data sheet:
- Latin name: Citrus sinensis.
- Chemotypes: d-limonene, decanol.
- Essential virtues: Antidepressant, recharges and rebalances the nervous system, antibacterial.
- Other actions: Positive, antibacterial (colibacilli, Koch bacilli), antiparasitic (hookworms, lamblias), liver and pancreas tonic (digestive tonic), venous tonic.
- Indications: (Under the guidance of your aromatherapist) Hepatic and pancreatic insufficiency (manifested by frequent digestive difficulties), bacterial enterocolitis and /or parasitic, fatigue and depression.
- Contraindications: None.